
  • Hammered and Curly Toes
    Hammertoes are a deformity of the toes due to a contracture at one or more joints in the toe itself.  The hammertoe usually results from unbalanced tendons that attach to Read more
  • Thick, Abnormal Toenails Without Fungus
    If you have thick, discolored, brittle, unsightly nails it might not mean you have a nail fungus.  The abnormal appearance of your nails could also be from damage to the nail Read more
  • Arthritis in the Big Toe Joint
    Hallux limitus/rigidus or great toe joint arthritis is arthritis of the 1st metatarsal-phalangeal joint. This condition can be caused either by direct trauma such as a old fracture or by “wear Read more
  • Pain at the Ball of the Foot
    Are you experiencing pain at the ball of one or both of your feet?  You might not know but there are several possible causes for that pain.  The purpose of Read more
  • What is a heel spur?
    Heel Spurs: Heel spurs are extra growth of bone on either the bottom or back of the heel that develops over an extended period of time from excessive pull of a Read more
  • Lumps and Bumps on the Bottom of Your Feet
    Have you noticed any lumps along the bottom arch of your foot?  Are they sometimes painful?  Do they fluctuate in size?  These lumps could be plantar fibromas.  Plantar Fibromas are Read more
  • Alleviating Painful Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle
    With age, it’s not uncommon to experience pain and stiffness in your feet and ankles.  Carefully monitoring your pain is important, however, as this noticeable discomfort could be an early Read more
  • Preventing and Treating Ankle Sprains
    An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries to the ankle, resulting from a fall or a sudden twist that forces the ligaments out of their normal position. Read more
  • The Importance of Good Blood Flow to Your Feet
    Having adequate circulation to your legs and feet are extremely important for good foot health.  There are two main arteries that supply the foot.  One leads down the back of Read more
  • Prevention and Treatment for Achilles Tendinitis
    The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body, located in the back of the lower leg and connecting the heel bone to the calf muscle. This Read more
  • Special Offer for a 2nd Pair of Custom Orthotics!
        If you currently own a pair of custom molded orthotics prescribed by us, you can now purchase a second pair for a discounted price of $200! *   Having a second pair Read more
  • Heel Pain Treatment Options
    Heel pain can keep you from performing routine tasks, such as walking and climbing stairs. You might even avoid favorite workouts involving running or jumping because of heel pain. If Read more
  • 5 Ways To Soothe Tired, Aching Feet
    We’ve all been there before - after a long day of work, shopping or a playing sports, your feet ache and you feel as if you couldn’t walk another step Read more
  • Looking After Little Feet: Proper Foot Care for Your Baby
     Proper foot care at a young age is essential for healthy development.  Since many adult foot ailments develop in childhood, periodic visits to your child’s podiatrist and basic foot care Read more
  • Natural Approach for Treating Inflammation and Pain
    Would you prefer to treat inflammation, pain and joint stiffness with a more natural approach instead of medications like Ibuprofen, Aleve or Advil?  Do medications’ like these affect your stomach Read more
  • Maintain Healthy Weight to Prevent Foot Problems
    With our feet bearing the weight of our entire body, it’s no surprise that carrying excess weight may increase the chance of developing foot problems. In fact, recent studies have Read more

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