Let's Talk About Plantar Fasciitis...

Let's Talk About Plantar Fasciitis...

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

                “itis” is the medical term for “inflammation,” or inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a ligamentous-like band of tissue that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot. It is responsible for many things such as assisting with foot structure, biomechanics, and aiding in holding up the arch of the foot.

What are the Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis?

                There are many things that can predispose your feet to this condition.

  • Recent increase in activity. This is because your body may not be use to the activity yet. Typically known as the “weekend warrior” – a person at a sedentary job all week utilizes the weekend to train many miles for the 5k they want to run in a month. This extra stress put on the foot can be detrimental if not taken care of properly.
  • Anatomic factors. Different types of structural abnormalities such as high arches or fallen arches can put abnormal strain on the plantar fascia, causing it to be inflamed and painful. Additionally, a tight calf muscle can put additional strain by not allowing proper dorsiflexion and tight posterior chain. Excess weight can also put undue stress on the plantar fascia as well.
  • Overuse. If you are a die-hard athlete training on your feet that may include a lot of ballistic type activity or simply from standing for way too many hours in a day, this may result in an inflamed plantar fascia.

Good news! There are more than a few modalities to manage this condition, depending on your activity level, severity, and how long you’ve had it. Come see Dr. Garrett Nelson to learn about how you don’t have to live in agony with your plantar fasciitis and can do something about it today!

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